Year 4

Below you will find useful information about our class. 


PE kits should remain in school all week, please make sure your child has a school PE top, shorts and trainers. They may want to include a pair of dark plain tracksuit bottoms for outdoor PE.  Swimming starts this term on a Thursday mornings, children need to bring a towel, swimming costume ( no bikinis) and if their hair is shoulder length or below a swim cap.


Homework is set on a Friday and must be completed by the following Friday. Homework for Year 4 consists of 3 Mathletics tasks (which should roughly take 30 minutes) and 30 minutes of Reading Plus each week, this should be the same as about two stories. 

If you are unable to access the online homework please let me know as soon as possible. 

The children must also read with an adult 2 times each week. Please record the reads within their reading diaries as these will be checked every Friday morning.
Please ensure reading diaries are in every day as they will be checked during Guided Reading. The children can change their books at any time during the week.

Every half-term, there will be a project based task to complete for homework in line with topics we learn within school to consolidate their learning.

TTRock stars isn't mandatory homework but it is advised. Times tables are practised every day both on TTRockstar and a free testing simulator to get them ready for their MTC in June. There is lots of emphasis on times tables in Year 4 as there is a mandatory times tables test at the end of the school year. 



The multiplication tables check (MTC) is statutory for primary schools in the 2023/24 academic year. The children will have to complete a test online consisting of 25 questions. They will have 6 seconds to answer the questions and will be tested on their 1-12 times tables however, it will consist mainly of 6-12's. To help your children prepare for this, TTRockstars is a great programme for them to practice their recall. 



Please make sure you are able to access class dojo as this is the best way to keep up to date with class activities.  I am available on class dojo from 8am-6pm Monday-Friday to message. I post regularly on the class story to keep you up to date with events and activities in our classroom.


Useful websites (Times table simulation check used within class)