

Mathematics is a tool for everyday life. At Culcheth, we endeavour to plan practical fun and include real life problem solving investigations where the lessons are meaningful and purposeful.

It is our aim to develop:

  • a positive attitude towards mathematics and an awareness of the fascination of mathematics;
  • competence and confidence in mathematical knowledge, concepts and skills;

  • an ability to solve problems, to reason, to think logically and to work systematically and accurately;
  • initiative and an ability to work both independently and in cooperation with others;

  • an ability to communicate mathematics;
  • an ability to use and apply mathematics across the curriculum and in real life;

  • an understanding of mathematics through a process of enquiry and experiment.


Please visit the websites below in order to practise any relevant skills (click on the word to access the site)

Primary games


BBC Bitesize (KS1)

BBC Bitesize (KS2)



ICT Games


Making Maths fun and memorable is important in helping the children to retain and understand different maths concepts.
Below is a powerpoint explaining how we teach Maths at our school; how mental arithmetic is so important and how you can help at home.
It is so important when teaching Maths that we introduce our children to the correct terms and vocabulary. Please take time to look at the vocabulary used for your child's year group. 
In Reception to Year 2 we are using Maths Seeds. This is a new on-line maths programme. We are using this programme as a weekly homework tool. Completing the different tasks will raise standards in maths, as well as keeping parents/carers informed and up to date on topics that your child(ren) are completing.
Please click on the link below for a Parents/carer's guide. 
In Year 3-6 the children are now using Mathletics. This fun, visual on-line learning tool will help to embed topics that they have covered in class. Your child will complete a set amount of homework each week. 
Please click on the link below for a Parents/carer's guide. 
At Culcheth we LOVE a good TTRockstars battle. Our school is currently undefeated! By Year 4 the children should know all the times tables 1-12.
We use songs to help memorise our times tables.
Below are the Maths overviews for all of our classes. This will give you a clear idea of the objectives that each year group work to achieve.
Below are maths prompt sheets to give you a clear idea of what topics each year group is working at in maths.
Watch our videos that explain how to use the different methods of calculations
that we use in our school.
Alternatively download the calculation policy.