Year 3

Welcome to Year 3
Thank you for taking the time to visit our page. Please visit this page regularly to find out more about our class. If you need anything specific, please do not hesitate to message me via the Class Dojo.
Class Routines 

PE is on a Tuesday and Wednesday. Children must bring full PE kit on these days. If bringing it in on a Monday and leaving it for the whole week works then that is fine.
HOMEWORK In Year 3, homework will consist of 3 Mathletics tasks, 30 minutes of Reading Plus and 3 signed reads by an adult in their reading diaries (reading plus homework can count as one of these signs). Weekly spellings will be written in reading diaries and should be practiced at home ready for a test every Friday.
In addition to this, the children will also be given a Topic homework. This will be completed over a half-term. We set this to encourage the children to take responsibility over their learning, enable the children to go into greater depth in a topic and also to allow them time to show off the standard of their work.
READING is expected to be completed 3 times per week. In year 3, it would be beneficial if the children read with an adult to check their reading fluency, address any mistakes the children are making and also check comprehension of the text. Most importantly, it is GREAT FUN to enjoy a book with your child! Please sign the children's diary to show that they have read. 
BOOK CHANGE will take place whenever your child finishes their book. Just ask them to come and see either myself or Mrs Atkinson first thing in the morning and we will sign in and out their books.
TIMES TABLES will be tested frequently in year 3. By the end of Year 3, your child is expected to have learnt 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 times tables. As such, they will be tested accordingly. School have subscribed to Times Tables Rockstars to help. Also, there are a plethora of games and Apps online. 

DOJO- I am available to be contacted on DOJO from 8am till 6pm, Monday - Friday. This is also a platform where I will share important information, reminders and most importantly, pictures of the children having fun in school. Please check is regularly to keep up to date in the classroom.

Please refer to the links to view end of year expectations, our RSHE curriculum, year 3 and 4 common exception words and our Autumn half term overview.

Useful links: